Aggressively Fighting For Your Rights

Compensation After Nonemployee Construction Site Accidents In New Jersey

Construction accidents occur frequently. The causes are many, including faulty construction equipment, worker negligence and falling debris. One of the most prevalent types or causes of a construction accident is unsafe conditions. Issues we routinely investigate include third-party claims involving subcontractors whose actions caused injuries and product liability issues related to dangerous or defective products. And you could be at risk of serious injury whether you are an employee of the contractor or one of the subcontractors or not.

If you suffered a construction site injury while you were a visitor at a construction site in Monmouth or Ocean counties or elsewhere in New Jersey, including accidents caused by unsafe conditions, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney to help you protect your interests and assist you with maximizing your recovery for injuries caused by the accident.

Common Unsafe Site Conditions That Can Harm Subcontractors

The New Jersey construction accident attorneys at The Law Office of Mallon & Tranger have more than 40 collective years of trial experience and will aggressively pursue your nonemployee construction injury claim. We understand the frustration and expenses you face and are there to help you through this difficult time with all available options. We meticulously prepare every case for trial and receive excellent results because we have a reputation for trying cases to successful verdicts.

Unsafe conditions at construction sites or from faulty construction include:

  • Building collapses
  • Roof collapses
  • Defective stairs
  • Unsafe floors or holes in the floor
  • Failure to warn of a known property defect
  • Faulty escalators or elevators
  • Defective handrails
  • Uncovered outlets or exposed electrical wires
  • Failure to barricade a hole or unsafe area

Recovering Compensation For Nonemployee Accident Injuries

Our firm is prepared to represent clients injured in any construction or industrial accident or chemical plant explosion, whether they worked there or not. Common issues involved in these accidents include:

  • Broken bones, and leg and spinal cord injuries resulting from scaffolding and ladder falls
  • Back and neck injuries from a collision with a construction vehicle
  • Head injuries resulting from objects being dropped from above
  • Injuries caused by construction debris
  • Injuries from getting caught between vehicles or a vehicle and materials
  • Injuries resulting from falls into unprotected or open trenches
  • Electrocutions
  • Chemical burns or burns caused by fire

Any legal visitor to a New Jersey construction site is entitled to compensation for accident-related injuries as long as the following is true:

  • The defendant owed the visitor a duty of care, such as a duty to keep the premises reasonably safe for legal visitors
  • The defendant failed to fulfill their duty, such as by failing to properly supervise its workers
  • The visitor was injured or killed as a result

Who the defendant is in your case depends on which party owed you or your loved one a duty of due care. It could be the property owner, property manager, contractor, manufacturer or supplier of materials or equipment, or anyone directly or indirectly involved in the project. Two or more of these parties could be responsible. The evidence determines who is liable in each individual construction accident lawsuit. You could be eligible for total compensation for your injuries, such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and reduced quality of life.

Contact An Experienced Freehold Construction Site Accident Attorney

If you are injured due to an unsafe condition at a construction site, you should retain an experienced construction accident attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your rights and interests are protected and maximize your compensation. In New Jersey, construction accident victims, including non-employee workers injured due to unsafe conditions, are urged to contact one of our experienced Freehold or Point Pleasant, New Jersey, personal injury lawyers for a free, confidential consultation by calling The Law Office of Mallon & Tranger at 732-702-0333 or filling out our contact intake form.