Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can stem from many different circumstances, including car crashes, slip-and-fall incidents and being struck by an object. Regardless of the cause, individuals with this type of injury should seek medical attention right away.
There are many different types of TBIs, and affected individuals can have a wide range of symptoms. They may also suffer a wide range of secondary consequences as a result of these symptoms.
Symptoms of a TBI
The symptoms of a TBI vary based on where the injury is located and how serious it is. One of the more common symptoms of a TBI is a headache that doesn’t abate over time or with medications. Some people may experience vomiting, nausea, changes in sleep habits, sensitivity to light or sound, mood swings or loss of consciousness.
In many cases, these symptoms will occur shortly after the injury; however, it’s possible for the symptoms to slowly manifest. Some people may not notice anything amiss for days or weeks after the injury.
Long-term challenges are possible
Some people who have TBIs face long-term challenges. Even if a brain injury heals, certain symptoms, such as sensitivity to sound or periodic headaches, may continue. More severe TBIs can lead to problems with cognition and memory, which may affect the victim’s ability to continue working to support themselves.
Therapy options, such as physical, speech and occupational, can help individuals learn to live with the effects of a TBI. Special work accommodations may also be beneficial. Each person who has a TBI will have to discover exactly what they need to live their life to the fullest.
Living with a TBI can be costly, especially in the early days when medical care is frequent and expensive. Add in the possibility of missed wages can add to the economic hardship inspired by such harm. Victims who have been injured because of another party’s negligence may opt to pursue a compensation claim to help cover the costs of the TBI, but the time to do this is limited. Speeding up the process of being awarded compensation is just one of the reasons why legal assistance can be valuable under circumstances like this.